Saturday, June 18, 2011

What is Addiction?

Hello, my name is Sharon Edmondson, and I am addicted to Facebook. Not every aspect of facebook, but definitely the games. Namely Farmville, Frontierville, and Gardens of Time.

I know what you may be thinking. "Really? That's a little weak when you consider worse problems like alcoholism, drug use, pornography...". Well I'm not so sure. In my humble opinion, the Christian definition of addiction is anything that takes your focus continually away from God. I would like to add that it is anything that takes the focus off anything in your life that should be more important, like your job or your family. And agree with me or not, even your job or family can become an addiction if it comes between you and your relationship with God. So do I have a problem with addiction? GUILTY!

I frequently allow the daily grind to distract me from developing my relationship with our Lord and Creator. I can't even squeeze thirty minutes a day to spare for reflection and devotion? There is something wrong with this picture. Yes, I have small children that seem to consume my every waking moment, but what if I change my perception about what devotion time is? Why couldn't I spend those thirty minutes with my kids, talking and teaching about God, and praying with them? Isn't that what we as parents are charged with when God entrusts them into our care?

As for Facebook, I don't think it is evil. It is inanimate. It has no power that we don't give it, just like money. Used wisely, it is a wonderful way to stay connected and be supportive. I have been blessed many times over by this tool. As for the many hours spent per week on the games, I can do without that for a while until I reset my priorities. Maybe I can even use some of that spare time to clean the house! Then again...

1 comment:

  1. I took a "facebook break" for the month of May and can definitely say that it does change my perception of what things are important. It's amazing how much time I wasted on FB, just messing around instead of doing something productive.
