So, it's football season. FINALLY! Here in the South, the anticipation of the next football season begins the day after the National Championship is played (for those who have a stake in it), or at least the day after the last game played. It builds until the air is thick with expectation. Birthday parties and vacations are planned around when Bama will be in town, or where Auburn is traveling away. I think it is so great that you can become instant friends with someone you've never met, just because you have a favorite team in common.
But do you know my favorite team? Not Auburn (I know, shocker!). It isn't even a sports group at all. It is the tall red headed guy and two sweet little miracles that I get to come home to every day. At various times we are all coaches and players ( like when Bill is telling me the correct way to drive a toy train :). I think parents lose something in the relationship with their children when they stop thinking that they have nothing to learn from their kids. The biggest thing kids teach us is how to love. LOVE. HUG. KISS. LAUGH. What is more important in life than knowing how to do these things? A family may have a leader, but a successful family's leader knows when to lead, and when to learn.
I thought when I started my new job that I would be miserable in the fact that I would miss my kids too much. But although I DO miss my kids, the time I have with them is so much sweeter! I guess it's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I just have to make sure that absence doesn't overshadow the quality time. A time for everything in it's season....I hope your times are as sweet as mine!
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