Thursday, February 24, 2011

Give it Up!

My life has been sooo crazy lately. I am anxiously awaiting word from Samford University Pharmacy School about an interview, I had a huge organic chemistry test today, the kids have been sick and out of school for the past week and a half, and I am now officially exhausted. Calgon take me away!

As I was driving home from school, I was thinking about my crazy life, and I have decided I need to take a step back and refocus. And I realized that right now is an awesome time to do it! March 9th is Ash Wednesday. For those of you who don't know what that is, it marks the first day of the Lenten season. For those of you who don't know what THAT means, check out this website:

Lent is a time when we consciously turn our focus towards our relationship with God. Usually by abstaining from something we love and instead using that energy to focus on our faith. In the past, I have given up  many things for Lent, including soft drinks and meat. Other years I have added something like an extra bible study. Well, I feel like this year calls for something drastic. I have decided to do the Daniel Fast. The first time I heard about this was when I was studying the book of Daniel through Beth Moore. Her bible study students are encouraged to follow this diet during the weeks they go through her book. However, I was unable to participate fully because I was pregnant at the time (I was already on a modified version by my doctor, though!). I haven't decided if I am going to go all the way this time or not. I can already see tough times ahead considering I already feel like a short order cook for my family. But I really think this will not only help me with my faith, but with my overall health as well. Here is a link to the book. I'll keep you posted about my decision on how deep to go with it. Cheers!

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