Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Diet

As I sit here watching the kids and Mike fight over a bag of popcorn, it occurred to me that I haven't made a New Year's resolution yet. I think that diet and exercise are a given for most people, so that really doesn't count, does it? I do have to say, though, that I have already been on a diet and exercise regimen, and I highly recommend it. It is very simple. Have a couple of kids, and go to school far enough away that you can't come home for lunch. I call this plan the Katie Diet and Bill Exercise Plan. Katie mooches at least half my food (as Julie Vise can also attest to!), and unless Bill is holed up in his room playing trains, I chase him around the house. Boy that kid can run fast! In addition, unless I want to pay exorbitant prices at the school cafeteria, or waste my money on vending machine food that is way too bad for me, I end up cutting my calories by having a lunch consisting of something shelf stable like a pack of crackers, and coffee, or if I'm really splurging, a slimfast that I race upstairs to put in the student lounge fridge before my morning class. I used to be afraid to get coffee at school, because my ex chemistry professor walked around acting like the whole pot was just for him, but I recently discovered that its the students who really run the place. I knew I liked that place!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, welcome to private school. That coffee is yours for the taking.
